In early 2024, Every Shelter unveiled Tukul 2.0, a prototype home built with sustainable materials like Interlocking Stabilized Soil Blocks (ISSB), bamboo, and palm fronds.
The refugee crisis is massive. Millions of displaced people are stuck in limbo for decades. But together, we are building a better way forward.
In early 2024, Every Shelter unveiled Tukul 2.0, a prototype home built with sustainable materials like Interlocking Stabilized Soil Blocks (ISSB), bamboo, and palm fronds.
The violent conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has escalated into a regional crisis, displacing millions and pushing thousands across the border
In Nakivale Refugee Settlement, a new kind of light is illuminating homes and lives—not just from above, but within the people themselves. At Every Shelter,
In refugee settlements like Bidibidi and Nakivale in Uganda, the inside of homes are dark and unlit. Without access to electricity, daily life is a
The short update: We bought a building! When we’re done with it, we’ll save 27% of our overhead costs every year. The long update: Every Shelter has
After the Bidi Bidi Shelter Depot proved successful, we, alongside our partner Alight, launched a new flagship store in Nakivale, a large refugee settlement in
In today’s world, where climate change and the issue of millions of displaced persons are growing concerns, we believe that finding effective yet earth-conscious solutions
In 2016, amidst political turmoil in South Sudan, James Remo sought solace in Uganda’s Bidibidi refugee settlement. Now, eight years later, James still lives inside
In Reyhanli, Turkey, we found a community near the Syrian border. Twelve families live there. They hope to return home when things get better in
We see ourselves in every person we serve. We recognize that refugees are not defined by their refugee status, and we aim to treat everyone
Happy Earth Day! 🌎 Here is the backstory. Refugees often lack physical agency. We believe every refugee has unique preferences and desires, and we want
Friends, I’ve got mentorship on my mind today. Last week we hit a significant milestone at Every Shelter, and the first people I wanted to
You can help us design shelter solutions that put refugees back in control of their lives.
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