Responding to the DRC Refugee Crisis: How Every Shelter is Scaling Up

The violent conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has escalated into a regional crisis, displacing millions and pushing thousands across the border into Uganda. Refugees are flooding into transit centers that are operating far beyond capacity—one at 184%, another at 224%. Since January 1, over 230,000 people have been displaced, creating a […]
Spreading Light: Empowering Refugees Through Bottle Skylight Workshops

In Nakivale Refugee Settlement, a new kind of light is illuminating homes and lives—not just from above, but within the people themselves. At Every Shelter, we believe that meaningful change happens when individuals are equipped with the tools and knowledge to solve problems in their own communities. This belief recently came to life in the […]
Bringing Light to Lives: The Impact of Plastic Bottle Skylights

In refugee settlements like Bidibidi and Nakivale in Uganda, the inside of homes are dark and unlit. Without access to electricity, daily life is a constant challenge. Refugees rely on hazardous lighting sources such as kerosene lamps and candles, risking fire and health issues, while plastic waste piles up in their environment. These conditions limit […]
An update and a milestone: we bought an ugly building.

The short update: We bought a building! When we’re done with it, we’ll save 27% of our overhead costs every year. The long update: Every Shelter has had five official addresses for our office headquarters in the last five years. As we’ve grown both as staff and in our mission, each new office move has added complexity to […]
Shelter Depot Nakivale Open for Business

After the Bidi Bidi Shelter Depot proved successful, we, alongside our partner Alight, launched a new flagship store in Nakivale, a large refugee settlement in south Uganda. Nakivale is one of the oldest refugee settlements and the 8th largest in the world. It is home to 171,387 refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, […]
Empowering Refugees While Preserving The Planet.

In today’s world, where climate change and the issue of millions of displaced persons are growing concerns, we believe that finding effective yet earth-conscious solutions is essential. This Earth Day, here are three ways we are empowering refugees while preserving the planet. Reforestation: Nurturing Communities and Nature In places such as Uganda, the threat of […]
3 Myths About Displacement

Imagine the last time you went camping. The feel of grit on your skin, the smell of campfire smoke on your clothes, and aches in your hips and back from sleeping on a thin pad probably got old after the second day. Maybe you didn’t have the right gear and felt like you were going […]
World Refugee Day Shelter Tour

Everyone has the right to adequate housing. This right is affirmed in dozens of international treaties, conventions, charters, policies, and laws. But what does adequate actually mean? Is it purely subjective, or are there standards to which we can hold one another accountable?
Host A Shelter Tour

Everyone has the right to adequate housing. This right is affirmed in dozens of international treaties, conventions, charters, policies, and laws. But what does adequate actually mean? Is it purely subjective, or are there standards to which we can hold one another accountable?
Every Shelter Wins Second Place at Dubai’s International Humanitarian Hackathon!

Every year, world leaders gather in Dubai for the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development conference and expo. It’s a massive event that brings together representatives from all across the spectrum of aid and development — from top UN officials to donor organizations to field workers from nongovernmental organizations — ready to discuss the biggest […]