
Summer 2019 Co-Creation Internship

We are gearing up for a fast-paced, exciting summer. In May, a group of interns pursuing architecture and engineering degrees will join us for a three-month internship to develop prototypes of brand new products to pilot in Uganda with the American Refugee Committee (ARC) in Uganda. This is our first big “co-creation” project, and we are very excited to be working closely with ARC for its concept and implementation. In April, Every Shelter staff will visit several camps in Uganda, working closely with ARC field staff and beneficiaries to investigate specific needs, issues, and design ideas. Right now, the brainstorm list is long, including ideas like sanitary handwashing stations, biomass pellet stoves, and more efficient methods of brick-making. We will whittle this list down and begin working on prototypes over the summer. Interns will be involved with extensive research, prototype design, project budgeting, financial forecasting, and assist in developing a business model around the new products. In partnership with ARC, Every Shelter will continue to develop and refine these products to scale. We are excited about the opportunity to work closely with ARC and its beneficiaries in Uganda to design new products while also developing the next generation of humanitarian design professionals!

If you are a graduate or undergraduate student and would like to apply for our summer internship program, please send your cover letter and resume to info@everyshelter.org. Interns will be responsible for their own losing and transportation in Houston, Texas. Applications are due by March 31, 2019.

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