Every Shelter is a non-profit organization designing shelter solutions for refugees.
While working toward their Master of Architecture at Rice University in 2012, Scott Austin Key and Sam Brisendine participated in the Rice Building Workshop (now known as Construct). They began a shelter design project that led to their first innovation, Emergency Floor.
While still graduate students, they were invited to test Emergency Floor with IKEA’s BetterShelter in Sweden and were awarded a USAID grant in 2016 to further test and pilot it in Lebanon. The refugee camp that received Emergency Floor responded positively and showed significant, measurable improvement in health and well-being. Seeing first-hand the impact that good design can have in people’s lives, they pressed on to improve Emergency Floor and to seek new design ideas.
While testing and piloting Emergency Floor, both men worked full-time as Project Managers for large architectural firms, taking on various projects such as redesigning the San Antonio River Boats and drawing plans for multi-million dollar homes. But their commitment to serving refugees and the displaced never wavered. In 2018, partners Nicole Iman and Julia Wallin formed Every Shelter to focus on collaborative design and co-creation. Every Shelter is a growing team employing full-time staff and continually expanding our volunteer networks and partnerships with aid agencies and the displaced populations they serve.
The phrase “creates home” may seem abstract, but it’s the powerful driving force behind what Every Shelter has set out to accomplish. “Home” isn’t just a place, but a feeling. Home is a sense of belonging and comfort. That is our vision for the future – a future where every refugee creates home for themselves. This empowered state of belonging is something we believe is possible for every refugee.
Co-Founder and CEO
Houston, Texas
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Chief of Staff
Houston, Texas
Director of Programs & Operations - East Africa
Kampala, Uganda
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Director of Development
Houston, Texas
Operations Lead
Houston, Texas
Programs and Operations Assistant
Kampala, Uganda
Community Manager
Houston, Texas
Facilities Manager
Kampala, Uganda
Shelter Innovation & Design Lead
Kampala, Uganda
Grants Manager
Dallas, Texas
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Board Member
Minneapolis, Minnesotta
Board Member
Boston, Massachusetts
Board Member
Houston, Texas
Advisory Board Member
Kampala, Uganda
Board Member
Houston, Texas
Advisory Board Member
Nakivale, Uganda
Advisory Board Member
Nakivale, Uganda
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Advisory Board Member
Kampala, Uganda
Co-Founder and Board Member
Houston, Texas
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Board Member
Seattle, WA
Board Member
Houston, Texas
Board Member
California Bay Area
© 2025 Every Shelter, Inc. All rights reserved. Every Shelter and the Every Shelter logo are trademarks of Every Shelter Inc. | PO Box 30300 Houston, TX 77249 | Every Shelter, Inc., a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 83-2501756 | info@everyshelter.org | Privacy Policy
Noella Kabale Kalu is a Congolese by nationality, living in Uganda as a refugee registered in the urban setting since 2011. She is the founder of REAL Uganda and Refugee Women Voices, a member of the Refugee-led Network (RELON), Refugee Representative at the CRRF steering working group. She aspires to build a society where women, men, and young females are treated with dignity, fairness, and respect, regardless of their status & and vulnerable conditions they find themselves in due to war, conflict, or other atrocities.
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